New England Digital Emergency Communications Network

Mt. Equinox – KB1VP

UHF 8-pole @45′ AGL atop the 3855′ AMSL Mtn, installed 11/4/18

UHF 8-pole @45′ AGL atop the 3855′ AMSL Mtn

The 441.350 repeater sits atop Mt. Equinox (Manchester) in western Vermont, and was installed November 4, 2018.

Callsign KB1VP
Frequency 441.350 MHz
Offset +5.00 MHz
Color Code 7
Location Atop Mt. Equinox, VT
Elevation 3855′ AMSL

Timeslot 1 Talkgroups

Talkgroup ID Link Status Description
759 Full-Time SKYWARN
9998 PTT Parrot
9999 PTT Audio Watch
1 PTT Worldwide
3 PTT North America
3172 Full-time Northeast
310 PTT TAC310
311 PTT TAC311
316 PTT TAC316
8801 PTT NE Tac 1
3109 PTT CT SW
3125 PTT MA SW
3123 PTT ME SW
3133 PTT NH SW
3144 PTT RI SW
31361 Fulltime Upstate NY

Timeslot 2 Talkgroups

Talkgroup ID Link Status Description
8802 PTT NE Tac 2
3181 Full-time New England Wide
3150 Full-time Vermont Statewide
9 Full-time Local Site

Mt. Equinox Coverage Prediction