New England Digital Emergency Communications Network
Anytone D578 Mobile Users Group

Anytone D578 Mobile Users Group

The following are new users:

  1. K1BOS John in Boston, MA
  2. KN4TGU Todd in Belfast, ME
  3. KV1W Ric in Westboro, MA
  4. N1BJX BJ in Kennebunk, ME
  5. N1JGB Bruce in Essex Jct., VT
  6. W1IRA Ira in Westminster, VT

General comments were related to programming.  Most transferred their D878 portable code plug csv files over to the mobile (Talk Groups first, then Digital Contacts, then Channels, then Zones).  The Options between portables and mobiles being different, so the D878 default is used and then customized per individual preferences.


  1. Ira

    I used the built-in CSV intermediary export/import app in the CP creation software to copy all but the radio specific portions of the CP from portable to mobile radio. Order wasn’t important as long as all of the the CSV files required to make sense are imported into the new CP before you load it into your radio. Now I’m updating the channel and zone segments adding additional repeaters that have come on line since the last time I wrote a CP. It’s been a while. You can easily copy channels so all you need do is change the name and the associated “contact/group” and not have to re-enter frequencies, slots or other settings for each channel.

  2. Peter Speen

    I have the basic 578 model and opened it up so it that it works up to 510 MHz. It’s seems to have lost some of the basic ham functions like entering a channel number. Does anyone have the link or copy of the maintenance software so I can revert back to a tri band? It was on Connect Systems FB page, but apparently Anytone had it removed. If not, would a FW upgrade or some other method bring it back?


    Peter – K1SUB
    [email protected]
    Vero Beach, FL

  3. John O' - K1JRO

    I have the reverse scenario. I purchased a Anytone AT-D578UV III as my first (and hopefully last) DMR Mobile. Although I have a 220 repeater for as much as I talk on it I can use a portable. I would rather have the broad split of the UHF band as I can use UHF commercial in my vehicle. I reset the radio to DUAL band and created a codeplug.

    Close to 500 channels later I picked up a Anytone D-878UV. I want to transfer the D578 info into the D878. Both radios are set for the same bands and frequency splits. Copying over the CSV files individually I’m guessing the only thing I will have to reconfigure is the keys designations? Am I on the right track?

    Stay safe and as your mother always told you “go wash your hands”.
    John O’ – K1JRO

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